What’s It Hiding?

Lloyds has announced that it is reducing the number of Mortgage & Protection Advisors by 130 with effect from 1st October 2024. The number of Mortgage Managers is also being reduced. All told, 182 mortgage jobs will be redundant. All Mortgage & Protection...

Management By Dashboard

The new sales dashboards for individual members of staff are just a few weeks old but what’s crystal clear is that staff are now being manged exclusively according to their sales data. Unfortunately, it’s only going to get worse for members. We said that the...

‘Yielding Place To New’

Having asked members of the pension scheme what they thought about the service being provided by Willis Towers Watson (WTW), who get paid millions for administering the Lloyds pension schemes, the Trustee has decided not to give members the results! That’s not what...

‘Big Brother Is Watching You’

In a previous Newsletter we wrote about Lloyds rolling out new spying software that would enable it to monitor more closely and intrusively what staff are doing and when they are doing it. In the past few weeks lots of members have received pop up messages telling...

Managers Have Personal Liability for Acts of Discrimination

If you are a disabled employee, an employment lawyer or a trade union official, or you manage disabled employees, you should take careful note of the recent Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) case of Baldwin v Cleves School and others. By way of explanation, the EAT...


Predictably we are now receiving more enquiries about whistleblowing or, in the jargon, making a protected disclosure. Why was this predictable? Because in the flip flop world of Lloyds HR, which has swung like an aircraft carrier making a tight turn, from a...

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