Nov 14, 2022 | All Members, Halifax
Significant numbers of members have contacted us to say that some managers have been told to start to apply considerable pressure when people report sickness absence. We’ve seen numerous cases of: 1.Members being told to contact more senior managers directly if they...
Nov 8, 2022 | All Members, Pay
Members are not being fooled by the bank’s headline pay figures and the deeper they dig into the figures the more they realise they are being taken for fools. The bank is rushing through the deal in the hope that by the time staff realise they have been hoodwinked...
Nov 3, 2022 | All Members, Pay
Members shouldn’t be fooled by the headline figures. It’s still a massive pay squeeze. The bank says for grades A-D staff: “Adding these together (£2000 minimum increase and £500 cash payment) this represents a cash value typically in the range of 8 to 13%”. The...
Oct 21, 2022 | All Members
We are knee deep in the worst cost of living crisis in a generation and Lloyds has seen fit to announce another reorganisation and a further round of redundancies. That at a time when the Lloyds is set to announce a massive increase in profits on the back of rising...
Sep 30, 2022 | All Members
Lloyds should use some of its increased profits from higher interest rates to give all staff in grades A-G an additional cost of living payment of £2000 before Christmas. Pay and the cost of living crisis is the number one detractor when it comes to Lloyds Banking...
Sep 26, 2022 | All Members
Over the coming months staff are going to be fed the usual Accord diet of whispered half-truths and downright lies about Accord’s track record and what BTU does or does not do for its members. If you’re squeamish look away now, because we have no punches to pull on...