Judge & Jury

The job security appeal for a member of staff who’s refused the bank’s offer of a ‘reasonable alternative’ role is being heard by the same local HR management that is trying to force him into the role in the first place. When it launched the new redundancy policy, the...

Who Is Responsible For Customers?

In a previous Newsletter, we reported that Lloyds had got rid of its Fire Marshals with effect from 1st January 2023 following an agreement with its in-house staff unions – Accord and Unite. According to the new policy, it would be everyone for themselves when it...

Redundancy Terms – Why Now?

The one question which members are asking about the new redundancy policy is: why now? What is Lloyds planning to do in the future that makes it want to reduce redundancy payments for heritage Lloyds and HBOS staff? History tells us that Lloyds is up to no good. Is...

Redundancy Terms Reduced By 50%

Lloyds has introduced a new policy which allows it to reduce redundancy payments by 50% if members of staff refuse to accept a ‘reasonable alternative role or reskilling opportunity’. The so called ‘reasonable role alternative’ test is going to be key for the vast...

Culture Wars In Lloyds

Members will recall that in one of our previous Newsletters we discussed in detail the bank’s new retail strategy. Whilst the new value treatment strategies are all very interesting, our concern is about how the rush for growth is going to change the culture of the...

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