Pay & Grading In 2020

Unless the new grading and reward structure to be announced later this year deals with the issue of progression, staff will continue to be undervalued relative to the market place. And the issue of progression will become more important with the contraction of grades...

The PPI Scandal And Sales Culture In Lloyds Banking Group

Please click here to see a PDF version.  Latest News Retail Redundancies – Guidance 16th February 2021 Retail Banking Redundancies 11th February 2021 Leadership Get New Social Media Guidance 9th February 2021 Future Pension Increases – Letter To Members And MPs...

Bah Humbug – Lessons From The Christmas Party

You probably won’t be surprised to hear that every January, we receive calls from members being investigated for their alleged misconduct (or gross misconduct – that is misconduct justifying dismissal) at their office Christmas parties. Allegations have...

Pay 2020 – Another Missed Opportunity

The 2020 pay pot is 2.4% compared to 2.6% last year. However, the Office for Budget Responsibility, which provides independent and authoritative analysis of the UK Public finances, is predicting that when pay becomes effective in April 2020, retail price index (RPI)...

Bank Pushes Working Pattern Changes

We’ve received numerous calls from members concerned about what appears to be the Bank’s latest push to change working hours and align them with branch opening times. Many of the members have been concerned that they will only be paid for the opening hours of the...

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