Mar 5, 2020 | All Members, COVID-19
We should all avoid panic – especially when one considers that some 400,000 people die every year from flu – but Lloyds Banking Group needs to put in place one policy for dealing with the potential uptake in the number of COVID-19 cases and not have a piecemeal...
Mar 5, 2020 | Advice, All Members
The Bank has introduced a new three step process for dealing with Group Performance Share Award disputes. It’s clear that the whole process has been designed to:Prevent staff having any real say in their pay by making it hard for staff to dispute awards.Centralise...
Mar 4, 2020 | Advice, All Members, COVID-19
We’re receiving numerous calls from members concerned about COVID-19 and its potential implications for work. Below you’ll find answers to the key questions.Remember, you can call the union’s Advice Team 24 hours a day on 01234 262868 if you have any further...
Feb 28, 2020 | All Members, Pay
The Group Performance Scheme (GPS) pool was reduced from £464.5 million in 2018 to £310.1 million in 2019, a 33% reduction. The main reason for the reduction was PPI claims but other significant conduct risk issues, including the Cranston Review and the ongoing sore...
Feb 27, 2020 | All Members
In his speech last year at SIBOS 2019 – ‘Transforming Through People’, Mr Antonio Horta-Osorio, Group Chief Executive said: “The first two strategic cycles were difficult for our colleagues. It was a period of huge change, regular restructuring and frequent...
Feb 19, 2020 | All Members
The bank’s pre-tax profits are expected to plummet when it announces its results on Thursday. At the same time, it’s expected to take a further full-year hit of £2.5 billion for the PPI mis-selling scandal. Hopefully that will be the last of the PPI provisions which...