Windfall Gains For ‘Two-Pensions Osorio’

Members will recall that Lloyds gave frontline managers an extra day off and a family takeaway for their efforts in managing staff during the early stages of the pandemic. Whilst the bank was being dragged kicking and screaming into making such a paltry award, Mr...

Union Wins Landmark High Court Action, Again.

We’ve won in the High Court again. In the second part of the most important pension case in 30 years, the High Court has ruled today that the Lloyds Banking Group pension schemes are legally responsible for equalising the guaranteed minimum pensions (GMPs) for those...

Moving Between Branches

Lloyds has said that: “colleagues will work from one branch only, unless needed as ‘critical resource’, to open and run another branch”. The reality for many staff is quite different. We’re getting a large number of telephone calls from members who are being asked to...

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