Letter From The Investment Association

Please click this text to view a PDF version of this letter. Latest News Retail Redundancies – Guidance 16th February 2021 Retail Banking Redundancies 11th February 2021 Leadership Get New Social Media Guidance 9th February 2021 Future Pension Increases – Letter...

The Worst TUPE Deal Ever?

The pregnant pauses, the nervous laughter, the shuffling of papers trying to find the right speaking note and then the big reveal: staff transferring to the JV can keep their mortgages and banking products. So, the JV is not taking away something which staff have...

GMPs – What Next?

Following the Union’s historic legal victory on Guaranteed Minimum Pensions (GMPs) in October 2018, the Trustee and the bank have been looking at how to equalise pensions and implement the Court’s decision. That work is ongoing and once completed could result in some...

A New Sales Culture In LBG?

“There are instances where a customer doesn’t speak very good English and I am told to just open them an extra account and they won’t know”.Is that the ‘new’ sales culture in Lloyds Banking Group in 2019?Since we published our Newsletter ‘The Sales Pendulum in LBG’ we...

The War On Middle Management Jobs

Last week’s announcement of more job losses across the group and the creation of bigger area director groups in the Lloyds, Bank of Scotland and Halifax Community banks should be seen in the context of the Group Chief Executive’s recent comments to a group of analysts...

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