Bank Breaks Own Policy On Fact Finds

A member subject to a fact find interview (an investigation meeting) asked for a copy of the recording made at the meeting or a transcript, only to be told by the Bank that she couldn’t have one. Leaving aside the wider implications of refusing to provide evidence...

Real Pay Progression – The Elephant In The Room

The last report and accounts showed that Mr. Antonio Horta-Osorio, Group Chief Executive, is paid some 169 times more than the average worker in Lloyds Banking Group. The Lloyds pay gap is the highest in the UK financial services sector, and one of the highest in the...

4.37 Million Customers Seeking Redress In Lloyds

According to documents leaked to the union there are some 4.37 million Lloyds customers awaiting remediation outcomes (in non-gobbledygook, having complaints resolved) costing the bank £766 million, and that doesn’t include new remediations introduced this year. Those...

Lack Of Transparency

The main problem with the bank’s new approach to pay and performance is its fundamental lack of transparency. According to the bank’s own research, 31% of staff don’t trust their line manager to make fair decisions about their reward. That’s a startling statistic. And...

Letter To MP Frank Field Regarding Executive Pensions

Please click here to view a PDF version of the letter. Latest News Retail Redundancies – Guidance 16th February 2021 Retail Banking Redundancies 11th February 2021 Leadership Get New Social Media Guidance 9th February 2021 Future Pension Increases – Letter To...

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