Home Working: Check Your Home Insurance

Some insurers place restrictions on home insurance policies when it comes to working from home – you’re not necessarily covered automatically. In an article on Admiral’s website (published prior to the COVID-19 outbreak), it says: “Do I have to tell my...

Important Advice For Home Workers

In most non-branch areas, Lloyds has done a good job of moving staff to home working. This has removed the obvious risk of coming into offices in higher risk areas such as London and Birmingham but there are some potential pitfalls of which members should be aware. If...

NBO Survey Feedback – No Real Surprises

In summary: 68% of respondents working from home, with the majority reporting that it’s working well. The majority of people working from home reported that senior managers have been entirely supportive. Of those not working from home: 40% said more staff had been...

It’s About Time

Since the start of this crisis the union has been campaigning tirelessly for more front-line staff working in Group sites to be allowed to work from home. The more we all stay at home and reduce our social contacts the less chance we have of catching the virus and,...

BTU Branch Survey Results

OverviewHere’s a snapshot of member responses to date.Our non-branch survey will follow tomorrow.41% of respondents said that in their branches more staff had been told to report for work than were needed to provide essential banking services to customers.Staff were...

You Help Clean The Garden, Antonio

The Government has repeatedly said employers must make every effort to help staff to work from home. We appreciate that banking is a key public service but Lloyds could be doing a lot more to stop the spread of this virus by allowing more homeworking across all areas...

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