More Flexibility?

The retail bank is going to be pushing staff for greater flexibility over the next few weeks. In a note to staff, Jo Harris, Managing Director, Lloyds Bank and Bank of Scotland said: “Our current working patterns and ways of working mean that we don’t always have the...

Accord Criticises Pay Deal Agreed By Accord.

You couldn’t make this stuff up. In a recent note to his members Accord’s General Secretary criticised this year’s pay deal. He said: “…Accord members have already been impacted by a pay review for 2021 that’s now below inflation”. That’s the same General Secretary...

The Merging Of Grade D & E ‘Uppers’ and ‘Lowers’

We said last year that the bank was going to merge ‘uppers’ and ‘lowers’ for grades D and E. The bank has been looking to do it for years. In fact, it tried to do this in 2014 but we stopped it by threatening legal action. We told the bank that grades were contractual...

From Desktop To Laptop‬

In our recent Working from Home Survey, 63% of members said that they were working more than 7 hours a day and were more productive than they were before the pandemic. According to a recent study of 3 million employees in 21,500 companies published by Harvard Business...

Playing With Fire

In a note to staff in Old Broad Street, the bank says it’s running a Fire Safety pilot between 21 June and 16 July. In that announcement the bank says: “As our ways of working start to change so must some of our processes, and how we manage evacuations due to...

Where’s Harry?

In a previous Newsletter, we reported that we’d written to Mr Harry Baines, Chairman of Lloyds Banking Group Pension Trustees Limited asking it to join the legal action on behalf of the tens of thousands of pension scheme members whose benefits are going to be reduced...

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