Sales Management In Halifax

What Halifax is really doing was made clear by Mr Peter Steel, Customer Channels, Managing Director, in a recent call to managers. He said that the Bank had room to reduce almost 2 million additional counter transactions. That’s in addition to the transactions that...

Banking Made Easy & Branch Closures

At the height of the ‘Farage’ affair last week, Lloyds sneaked out that it was closing a further 39 branches. That’s the fourth announcement this year, with Lloyds planning to close 176 branches over the next 12 months. Whilst it’s true that there will be no...

Shooting The Messenger

The Group’s Senior Executives talk a lot about ‘transparency’, ‘collaboration’, ‘inclusion’ and ‘feedback’ but when push comes to shove, they will always try and shoot the messenger if they don’t like the message. Following the publication of its latest proposals on...

Lloyds Starts Pressure on Decompressed Hours

Tomorrow morning Managers will receive a lengthy guide on decompressing working hours and will be asked to take part in concerted attempts to pressurise staff to decompress their working hours. Key messages are going to be: Every 3 months managers are to press staff...

Bank Admits Survey Was Felt To Be Rigged

Lloyds has admitted that some of the questions in its recent flexibility survey were rigged and it won’t be publishing those results. When announcing the results of the survey, Ms Sharon Doherty said: “We also heard how some of you felt that a number of the questions,...

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