Is Greed Good?

It seems that the person with the largest basic pay increase in Lloyds this year will be Mr. Charlie Nunn. No, not the Charlie Nunn who works at the Lloyds branch in Bedale, North Yorkshire. but the tie-less hipster who works in Gresham Street. Mr Nunn’s basic salary...

Accord’s Pay Squeeze…..Again.

Accord and Unite made much of their 2 year pay deal when it was announced back in 2023. That deal was worth 4% for grades A-E and 3.5% for grades F and G for 2024 and 2025. Accord recently said it had: “Secured pay increases for 2025 at more than twice the current...

It’s Gone From A One Year To A Two Year Pay Squeeze

Members won’t be be fooled by the headline figures produced by Lloyds and their in-house staff unions. They’ve seen it all before. It was a pay squeeze last year and that’s set to continue for the next two years for many Lloyds staff. The bank’s two-year pay deal...

Pay Ranges Con Trick

With the stubbornly high inflation levels set to continue and the cost of living crisis getting worse, many members of staff are now realising that the headline pay increases announced at the end of last year were really hiding a massive pay squeeze. In its recent...

“Strain Every Last Sinew”

Those Lloyds Banking Group staff who receive Universal Credit never got the full amount of the last cost of living payment in October because of the way the benefit works. If nothing changes, those same staff won’t get the full benefit of the cost of living payment in...

Smoke and Mirrors

Members are not being fooled by the bank’s headline pay figures and the deeper they dig into the figures the more they realise they are being taken for fools. The bank is rushing through the deal in the hope that by the time staff realise they have been hoodwinked...

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