Diversity Washing – 2

The Union’s recent Newsletter entitled ‘Diversity Washing’ was picked up by several national newspapers, radio stations and TV channels who questioned why Lloyds had rolled out such a dictionary. Many focused on the stupidity of Lloyds telling its own staff –...

Diversity Washing

The clear economic and organisational arguments for diversity, equality and inclusion in the workplace are being drowned out by half-baked schemes which are ineffective and create resentment, muddled thinking on the part of one-dimensional executives and ‘diversity...

More Branch Closures

Another day and another round of branch closures. According to the latest announcement 53 branches (21 Lloyds, 10 BoS and 22 Halifax) will close between June 2024 and January 2025. Members of staff in the 53 branches will be offered roles in other branches but in many...

Software Spies

Lloyds is rolling out new spying software that will enable it to monitor more closely and intrusively what staff are doing and when they are doing it. Whatever Lloyds says now, this is the first iteration of a more intrusive approach to monitoring inputs and outputs....

Offshoring Madness

Following the reorganisation of its platform teams, details of which were announced on 6th February, the majority of IT jobs in Lloyds Banking Group will now be done by staff working overseas, mainly in India. Think about that for a moment. 96% of Lloyds assets are...

Declaration Of Stupidity

Lloyds staff working at 125 London Wall were all invited to attend an online course on how to exit the building in the event of a fire last week. Members will be aware that in November, Lloyds issued a mass notification notice telling all staff at London Wall to work...

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