In a devastating blow to the credibility of Lloyds’ new engagement strategy, staff in grades D to G have rejected overwhelmingly the new employee forums.

Of the 33,000 staff eligible to take part in the election, only 11,000 bothered to vote. Members told us that they didn’t vote because the forums weren’t independent of Lloyds and would be full of management approved careerists only interested in looking after themselves.

The election finished on 8th November 2024, but Lloyds has failed to publish the results for the ‘People’s Consultation Forum’ and ‘Management Advisory Forum’. Instead, it’s only published those individuals who have been appointed to the new forums. In fact, most staff in grades D to G won’t even know whose been appointed elected because it’s hidden on the Lloyds intranet site. How can those forums better represent the interests of staff if they don’t know whose been appointed. More importantly, why is Lloyds refusing to publish the election results. Is the Chief People Officer so embarrassed that only 33% of staff bothered to take part in the election that she’s refusing to publish the results? If she isn’t, then she should be.

When it announced the new arrangement, Lloyds said:

“The new arrangements will enable the business to bring more of your voices into decisions that affect you.”.

Sarah Underhill, GCOO Partnering Director, recently said when waxing lyrical about the election results that: “So no, not anti-union, but pro listening.”. Well, the People & Places Senior Leadership team should listen to what voices are telling them. The new engagement strategy is dead in the water. The overwhelming majority of staff don’t believe that it will deliver anything other than what the Bank wants. They know that it will be a talking shop for people interested in showing themselves in the best light to support their own promotion prospects or the ultra-naive.

And if Lloyds believes in transparency, then it should publish the elections results now!

Members with any questions on this Newsletter should contact the Union’s Advice Team on 01234 262868 (choose Option 1).


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