Newsletters From BTU

Redundancy Terms Reduced By 50%

Lloyds has introduced a new policy which allows it to reduce redundancy payments by 50% if members of staff refuse to accept a ‘reasonable alternative role or reskilling opportunity’. The so called ‘reasonable role alternative’ test is going to be key for the vast...

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Review Of Pensions

As we said in our last email the Trustee of the LBG pension schemes must act in the best interests of scheme members. Many pensioner members are struggling to cope with the cost of living crisis and that’s only going to get worse over the next few months. The Retail...

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Culture Wars In Lloyds

Members will recall that in one of our previous Newsletters we discussed in detail the bank’s new retail strategy. Whilst the new value treatment strategies are all very interesting, our concern is about how the rush for growth is going to change the culture of the...

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What About Lara?

It took members of staff 20 minutes to evacuate the Lloyds building at London Wall following a fire alarm on the 12th January. That’s simply too long. If it had been a real fire, the consequences of such a delay don’t bear thinking about. A few weeks ago, Lloyds...

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Does Your Employer Know You’re Disabled?

A recent case heard at the Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) has highlighted the importance of disabled employees informing their employers of their disabilities. The Equality Act 2010 says that people are disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment which...

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Intolerable Working Conditions In The Branch Network

Lloyds Bank’s decision to cut staffing in the branch network to the bone is causing serious concerns over branch security and intolerably high pressure working environments. It would not be sensible for us to set out the alarming examples that have been reported to us...

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Black Clouds in IT?

Lloyds Banking Group is going to reduce the number of data centres from 16 to 12 sites over the next two years as more of its processes, transactions and applications are moved on to the public cloud. We think the number will be reduced by a further 50% by 2026. 56...

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Transfer Pensions – Update

At the end of October, we wrote to hundreds of members who had transferred their pensions out of one of the Lloyds Banking Group final salary pension scheme providing them with a standard letter to send to the Trustee. That letter said: “I have enclosed details of...

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BTU Newsletters

Information when you need it most. Working in a rapidly changing industry you need authoritative, up to date information. Most importantly you need information you can rely on. BTU’s regular newsletters will bring you the information you need; readable but with enough detail for you to form an opinion on the facts. We want you to see our newsletters regularly and as soon as they are issued.

To ensure you’re completely up-to-date, register to receive our newsletters by email or text message to your mobile phone (with a web link). As you would expect your email address and mobile number, like all our other membership information, are confidential to you and the Union.

To receive copies by email just let us have your details at and we’ll arrange it.

Older newsletters are available upon request.


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